The Senate Agriculture Committee’s Ranking Member, John Boozman (BOZE-man) of Arkansas, wrote a letter to Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack asking for a delay in the deadline for farmers to sign up for CRP. With inflation at a 40-year high and global food prices reaching a new record last month, Boozman wants the administration and USDA to look at ways of increasing food production.
“To that end, I request that you delay the sign-up deadline for the Conservation Reserve Program until farmers have a better understanding of supply disruptions associated with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” Boozman says. “A delay will allow farmers to evaluate whether it’s better to raise and insure a crop or enroll the land in CRP.”
Boozman also points out that should the conditions in Ukraine continue to deteriorate, giving livestock producers continued opportunities to graze livestock on CRP ground without penalty should get consideration. The general CRP sign-up deadline is March 11.