President Biden announces temporary year-round E15 sales

President Joe Biden Tuesday announced the Environmental Protection Agency is taking steps to allow for summertime E15 sales. Biden made the announcement during a visit to a POET ethanol facility in Iowa.

To make E15 available in the summer, EPA is planning to issue a national emergency waiver. Without a waiver, E15 cannot be used in most of the country from June 1 to September 15, and the EPA plans to take final action to issue the emergency waiver closer to June 1.

The White House says the EPA is also considering additional action to facilitate the use of E15 year-round. The EPA also Tuesday announced efforts to expand supply and choices for other forms of fuel, such as diesel and jet fuel.

The EPA is proposing a new approval for canola oil that will add new pathways for fuels to participate in the Renewable Fuel Standard program to provide renewable diesel, jet fuel and other fuels.

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