BREAKING: Iowa biofuels bill has passed the legislature

The Iowa Senate has passed the Iowa Biofuels Access Bill, House File 2128, by a vote for 42 to 3 and a short time later the Iowa House passed the amended bill by a vote of 78 to 13. Originally proposed by Governor Kim Reynolds, the bill will increase consumer access to higher biofuel blends like E15 and B20.

“Today was a victory for Iowa consumers. Every person in Iowa deserves the choice of higher blends like E15 and B20. It’s also a victory for Iowa leadership as this legislation is already being looked at by other states as a model for how to promote access to lower-cost, cleaner-burning fuels," says Monte Shaw, Executive Director of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association. "We would not be here today if not for Governor Kim Reynolds crafting this bill and pushing it over the finish line. Lots of legislators and other groups played major roles, but Gov. Reynold’s started the process and saw it threw to the end. Iowa’s biofuels supporters cannot say thank you enough. It’s exciting to see the leading corn, soybean and biofuels production state also be the leading biofuels policy state.”

With overwhelming, bipartisan support from the Iowa Legislature, the innovative legislation now heads to the Governor who is expected to sign the bill into law. 

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