USDA invests $121 million in Infrastructure funding

The Department of Agriculture Wednesday announced $121 million in funding for critical infrastructure to combat climate change in rural America. The investments include $111 million for 289 projects to help people living in socially vulnerable communities.

USDA Deputy Secretary Dr. Jewel Bronaugh says the investments will “strengthen our energy security, create good-paying jobs and save Americans money on their energy costs.”

The funding will help people in 49 states, Guam and Puerto Rico. It reflects the many ways USDA Rural Development helps rural residents, businesses and communities address economic development, infrastructure and social service needs, according to USDA. Bronaugh highlighted a total of 415 investments that USDA is making through three programs designed to help people and businesses in rural areas.

The programs are Community Facilities Disaster Grants, Rural Energy for America Program Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans and Grants, and Rural Energy for America Program Energy Audits and Renewable Energy Development Grants.

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