"Protecting Agriculture's Future" is theme for Ag Safety and Health Week

National Farm Safety and Health Week is September 19-23. Agriculture is known as one of the most dangerous industries in America. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health says about 100 agricultural workers suffer a lost worktime injury every day. In 2019, the agriculture industry had a fatality rate of 19 deaths per 100,000 workers.

National Farm Safety and Health Week has been held the third week of September since it was established in 1944. The goal is to help bring attention to the risks of working in agriculture. To do that, AgriSafe has daily webinars for agricultural health and safety professionals, healthcare providers, extension agents, farmers, ranchers, and their employees.

This year’s theme, “Protecting Agriculture’s Future,” reminds everyone in the industry that the cornerstone of sustainable agriculture is healthy and safe workers. Every day will have a different theme, such as “Tractor Safety and Rural Roadway Safety,” on Monday, September 19.

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