Growing support for Livestock Regulatory Protection act

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association voiced support to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee regarding the Livestock Regulatory Protection Act Wednesday. During a committee hearing, NCBA Chief Counsel Mary-Thomas Hart told lawmakers, “NCBA strongly supports the Livestock Regulatory Protection Act, which protects farmers and ranchers from onerous regulation.”

The legislation aims to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from issuing Clean Air Act Title V (5) permits for emissions like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, water vapor, or methane that result from livestock production. NCBA says the emissions are naturally occurring due to cattle’s biological functions and cattle producers continue to employ innovative practices to mitigate the impact of these emissions on the environment.

NCBA adds methane emissions from cattle account for just two percent of total U.S. emissions. American Farm Bureau Federation Vice President Scott VanderWal also voiced support for the legislation during the hearing.

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