A Republican senator fro m Nebraska plans to submit legislation to expand national sales of E15 with the support of a major oil industry trade group. Successful Farming says Deb Fischer believes there is a way to move ahead with year-round E15 sales that have previously been opposed by some oil and environmental groups.
The American Petroleum Institute, one of the oil industry’s top trade groups, began discussions earlier this year with the Renewable Fuels Association on a nationwide expansion of E15. The API began cooperating with biofuel trade groups after governors from major corn-producing states requested the Environmental Protection Agency lift restrictions on E15 sales in their states.
The governors’ proposal raised oil industry concerns about fuel supplies.
“A state-by-state approach would create a boutique fuel market in the Midwest and may negatively impact the reliability of gasoline supply to the region,” says Will Hupman, API Vice President of Downstream Policy.