Avian Influenza Update in Iowa

After a five month hiatus in the state of Iowa, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has crept its way back into the northwestern region of the state starting back in late October. The cases were fewer in number over the course of the first few weeks, but since the start of December, there have been seven positive outbreaks reported between Buena Vista, Cherokee, and Sac county. In the realm of December, there have only been reports of commercial turkey flocks getting hit. In comparison of this time to the incidents from March to May, there were over 20 cases reported coming from flocks of breeding chickens, layers, pullets, backyard species, and turkeys. The spike in reports is estimated to be coming from birds traveling southbound as we head into our winter months.

chickens brown and white color in handmade chicken tractor on grass outdoor. family farming

Photo: Getty Images

Signs of HPAI include sudden increase in deaths of the flock, lack of energy, decrease in egg production, and difficulty of the bird breathing. Although not a public health concern, it is best to continue practicing proper biosecurity protocols. If there are any concerns or possible cases, they must be reported to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship at (515) 281-5305.

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