The Presidential Inauguration is tomorrow...coverage begins at 10:20AM on WHO Radio. We already have several local people in Washington, D.C. and we heard from Simon Conway, Joe Gomez and Larry Ritland all this morning. I am kind of concerned for Larry as Simon, Joe and some of our listeners told us that this is a dress-up event and Larry is going casual (with a ticket). Adrianne Branstad will be giving us her take on the Inauguration tomorrow and she is sending pictures of the Parade, her ballgowns and the Inauguration. Watch for those on the Van and Bonnie Facebook page.
Tina Potthoff from Hy-Vee joined us by phone this morning to talk about "Ugly Produce"! To help combat food waste issues, Hy-Vee has introduced "Ugly Produce" with a "Misfits" program. Customers get delicious, imperfect fruits and vegetables at a lower cost while helping to reduce food waste. This is produce that normally never even makes it to the grocery store because it is imperfect in looks. Watch for the "Misfits" crate at your Hy-Vee for savings!
Lisa Morrone, a Physical Therapist, joined us by phone this morning to talk about brain health. Did you know that physical exercise helps brain cell production? She will be speaking at the Inspire Health Conference on Saturday. For more information, go to
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, we'll have all the latest on the Presidential Inauguration as well as the Friday Morning News Quiz. Tune in for the fun and info!
Have a tremendous day!