Jessica O'Reilly of the Iowa Tourism Office joined us in the studio this morning to kick off the very first ever "Plan For Vacation Day"! It's a national campaign to help people plan and use their vacation time! Half of Iowans did not use all their vacation days in 2015. Forty-two percent of Iowa workers said it's good for their boss to see them as a work martyr. If American workers had used all their time off in 2015, it could have generated an additional $122 billion in domestic leisure travel spending...Iowa's share...$4.5 billion! To celebrate "Plan For Vacation Day", the Iowa Tourism Office is releasing the 2017 Iowa Travel Guide. It can be found at Iowa Welcome Centers and you can order it online at You can also call 800-345-IOWA. This year, see all Iowa has to offer!
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, Nate Teut of the Iowa Cubs joins us to give us all the scoop on the World Series Trophy at the Cub Club...Tim Dwight will talk about the upcoming Super Bowl...and Megan Grandgeorge will tell us what's up with Variety.
Have a super day!