Want to melt your Valentine's heart with a "Singing Valentine"? Antique Harmony, one of the singing valentine quartets of the Pride of Iowa Barbershop Chorus, joined us in the studio this morning just after the 8:30 news. They will be doing "singing valentines" on February 14th from 7AM-9PM at your sweetheart's office, home or at a special dinner. For only $50, they will sing two love songs to your special person, present your valentine with a silk rose and a card from you and commemorate the occasion with a photo! To get yours set up, call Gene at 515-259-0764 or order online at www.prideofiowa.com. If you didn't get a chance to hear their song this morning, go to the Van and Bonnie Facebook page for a Facebook Live performance! Thank you to Gene Zeimet, Lyle Schwery, Dave Hammel and Paul Cartwright for such a beautiful song. Listeners even texted to comment they were melting and they weren't even in the studio! Don't forget their 70th Annual Show on March 4th, 7PM, at Hoyt Sherman Place. They are bringing back a quartet of 15 year-olds that stole the show last year!
Greg Hand of the University of Iowa School of Music joined us by phone this morning to talk about a special history-making event coming to the Voxman Music Building Concert Hall on the University of Iowa campus. Today at noon, Kevin Boyer of Glasgow, England, will be performing Sorabji's 2nd Organ Symphony that is 8 1/2 hours long! Kevin is the only person in the world to have performed it. He will be performing on the brand new Klais Pipe Organ that replaced the old organ that was destroyed in a flood. There are 3 movements to the Symphony, so Kevin will play for 90 minutes, 30 minute break, followed by playing for 4 1/2 hours, then a 45 minute break, and end with 3 hours of playing. You can watch from the balcony if you are staying the entire time, otherwise the lower level will be open for people to come and go all afternoon and evening. They would love to have the concert hall full for the finale from 8-9PM. By the way, the new pipe organ has 3,373 pipes!
Congratulations to Jack Mustapha, our final Valentine's winner...he won dinner for two and roses at the Hy-Vee Market Grille!
Monday on Van and Bonnie, Ken Chester will report back to us on his trip to the huge Chicago Auto Show!
Have a super weekend!