Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you had a chance to hear all of our "romantically challenged" listeners this morning. We had lots of great stories...hopefully we got a few of you "out of the doghouse"! Congratulations to our gift certificate winners today...David Barge, Cullen Ermels, Zach Smith, Bob Russell, Larry Steele, Mark Wilson and Sarah Farrand!
If you're eating in tonight and you're looking for a great romantic comedy for after dinner, here are the top 10 romantic comedies....1) Pretty Woman, 2) When Harry Met Sally, 3) Sleepless in Seattle, 4) Breakfast at Tiffany's, 5) You've Got Mail, 6) The Holiday, 7) The Notebook, 8) The Proposal, 9) Bridget Jones Trilogy and 10) The Ugly Truth.
The Iowa Barnstormers start the regular season this Saturday! Kick-off time is 7:05PM at the Wichita Falls Nighthawks. Go Barnstormers!
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, Brianne Fitzgerald is going to enlighten us about the Give Back Iowa Challenge.
Have a wonderful, romantic Valentine's Day!