Van Harden

Van Harden

Call Van at (515) 284-1040. Text Van at (515) 989-1040Full Bio


What Happened To This Puppy Has Only Happened Twice Before

When Elaine Cooper found out her dog, Milly, was expecting puppies, I bet she never expected a green one.  Yep, you read that correctly. A green puppy.

Milly, a chocolate Labrador, gave birth to four male puppies and one female one. But it wasn't just gender that separated the pups.  The green puppy, affectionately named Fifi after the ogre Princess Fiona from Shrek, gets her odd coloring from an overexposure of biliverdin which is found in the placenta.

Elaine Cooper did some research on the condition and found out that there are only two other documented cases of this. Fifi is almost one of a kind!

Read more here.

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