Brianne Fitzgerald with Give Back Iowa and Jami Haberl of Healthiest State Initiative, joined us in the studio this morning just after the 8:30 news. They are inviting Iowa employers to encourage employee volunteering and enter the Give Back Iowa Challenge. It's an opportunity for employees who volunteer to receive recognition by tracking and reporting their hours. Employers with the highest average number of volunteer hours per employee will be recognized with a visit by Governor Terry Branstad or Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds to their workplace. The Challenge runs from April 1st thru May 31st. For more information or to sign up, go to
Our political analyst, Joe Gomez, joined us by phone from Washington, D.C. just after the 8AM news. Joe says things are very interesting right now with the resignation of Michael Flynn. It is creating quite a stir with who knew what and when. Also, President Trump is meeting with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House today. Iranian aggression in the Middle East, the Iranian nuclear deal, Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the conflict in Syria are issues that will likely dominate the agenda.
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, we'll let you take a guess at our "Secret Sound" and we'll have Dave Schwartz, CEO of the YMCA joining us as well.
Enjoy the sunshine today! The temps are going up!