Bob Carlson joined us by phone this morning just after the 8:30 news to talk about a new book available about Captain McCrea, the first Captain of the USS Iowa. The book is called "Captain McCrea's War" and is written by Julia C. Tobey. Julia is the step-daughter of Captain McCrea and she used tapes he made while in the Navy to write the book. Capt. McCrea was born in 1891 in Michigan and graduated from the Naval Academy in 1915. He was on many ships before the USS Iowa. Bob says the book will make you laugh and cry! You can find the book in bookstores or on Amazon.
We are still in need of people to package meals at our Meals From The Heartland event coming up this Friday morning. We are in special need from 5-7AM. If you can help us out before you head to work, please go to and click on the Meals From The Heartland logo on the right-hand side of the page. You can sign-up online for a time that works for you. If you can't help package food, they are in need of cash to help pay for the food we are packaging. You can donate online as well by clicking on the "donate" button. Thank you in advance for your help!
We are also looking to help promote your business if you have a chocolate specialty item! The iHeart Chocolate Breakfast is coming up on April 1st from 9AM-Noon at the Adventureland Inn in Altoona. If you would like to be a vendor, we would love to publicize your business! Just go to and type in the keyword "chocolate"!
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, Outdoors Dan will be joining us...find out what he's up to this weekend!
Have a wonderful day!