Simon Conway, afternoon talk show host for WHO Radio, joined us in the studio this morning just after the 6:30 news to give us his take on President Trump's speech last night. Simon believes Trump "hit it out of the park" and that democrats are worried this morning. Simon thought it was Trump's best speech of his presidency so far. Be sure to tune into Simon's show this afternoon to hear more from 4-7PM!
Joe Gomez, our political consultant from Washington, D.C., joined us by phone just after the 8AM news to talk about the President's speech last night. He also thought President Trump had a great speech. He felt it would really raise his approval ratings and shortly after Joe was on with us, the stock market hit a new high, over 21,000!
Outdoors Dan joined us in the studio just after the 8:30 news. He will be broadcasting his show live on Saturday morning from 7-9AM at the Iowa Deer Classic. The show is at the Iowa Events Center on Friday from 3-9PM (Ladies get in for only $5.00), Saturday from 9AM to 7PM and Sunday from 9AM-4PM. There will be a Big Buck contest, Shed Antler contest and Pop-Up 3-D Archery as well as lots of displays. Hunting in Iowa is a $1,000,000,000 industry! Outdoors Dan will be giving away a $1500 prize package at the show on Saturday, so be sure to look for him!
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, we will have the Secret Sound contest and Maestro Joseph Giunta will be joining us in the studio.
Enjoy your day!