Vern Yip, famous interior designer, joined Van and Bonnie by phone this morning just after the 8:30 news. Vern will be at the Des Moines Home & Outdoor Living Expo at the Iowa Events Center this weekend. Vern will be speaking on the stage on Friday at 5PM and Saturday at noon and 3PM. He will be talking about the "Rules of Design" whether you have a small apartment or a large house. He also gave us a tip on how high to hang your pictures. He says they should be 60" from the floor to the center of the picture. For a lot more decorating tips, see Vern at the show. By the way, if you use the promo code "Spring", it's valid for 2-for-1 tickets. Go to
Thank you to all of you who participated in our Van and Bonnie Secret Sound contest today! There were tons of very interesting, but wrong, guesses! Only two people all morning got it right before we put the video up on the Van and Bonnie page of The sound was from the "desert rain frog" and you can see the video of this cute little guy on our webpage.
Gary Dolphin, voice of the Iowa Hawkeyes, joined us by phone just after the 7:30 news to talk about the Big 10 Tournament today. The pre-game starts at 4:30PM today with game time at 5:30PM. Gary believes that if Iowa can win two games in the tournament that they will make it into the NCAA Tournaments.
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, it's FRIDAY! And, we'll have the Friday Morning News Quiz for a nice prize.
Have a nice day before the weather takes a turn for the worse tomorrow!