Jerry Grady with The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick joined us in the studio this morning just after the 7:30 news to talk about the St. Patrick's Day Parade. The parade begins tomorrow at noon and goes down Grand Avenue from West to East. Jerry says you can view the parade along Grand Avenue, at the Sculpture Park or at the judge's stand at 9th & Grand. The parade ends at 8th & Grand at the Marriott Hotel. There will be a huge party at the Marriott all afternoon with live music, food and drinks. There will be a 5K and 10K run coming up on March 26th at 63rd & Grand. Registration will be at Sully's with a race time of 11AM. For more information, google The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.
Police Chief Dana Wingert joined us by phone this morning just after the 7:00 news. The Des Moines Police Department is recruiting! Requirements include a high school diploma, no criminal record, a valid driver's license and no experience is required. You can get more information on the City of Des Moines' website or by calling the Police Academy. The application is online.
Tom Weipert, The Mushroom King, joined us by phone just after the 8:30 news. Tom will be at the Iowa Flower Lawn & Garden Show this weekend at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Last year he traveled 54,000 miles hunting for mushrooms all around the country! He will be on hand all weekend long and on the stage Friday at 5PM and Sunday at 11:30AM.
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, we'll have the Friday morning news quiz and State Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald will join us in the studio with another list of Iowans who have big money coming their way!
Have a super day!