Van Harden

Van Harden

Call Van at (515) 284-1040. Text Van at (515) 989-1040Full Bio


Colon Cancer - Are You At Risk? (Bonnie's blog 3/20/17)

Dr. Michael O'Brien of the Iowa Digestive Disease Center joined us in the studio this morning to talk about Colon Cancer Awareness Month and the big Colon Cancer Run/Walk coming up this Saturday morning.  Colon cancer has a 92% survival rate if diagnosed at an early stage compared to only 53% survival rate if diagnosed at an advanced stage.  Unfortunately only 40% of cases are diagnosed at an early stage because colon cancer causes no symptoms until advanced stages.  Men and women are equally affected.  Moral of the story is...get your colonoscopy!  Things that put you at a higher risk of colon cancer are: age 50 and older, family history of colon cancer or colon polyps, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, diabetes, obesity or sedentary lifestyle, smoking and alcohol use and high intake of red meat and processed meats.  The 5K Run/Walk starts at 10AM this Saturday at the Iowa Disgestive Disease Center, 1378 NW 124th St. in Clive. You can pre-register for $25.00 at or register the day of the race between 8AM-9:30AM for $30.00.  Funds go to local charities fighting colon cancer.  For more information, you can also call 515-226-8105.  I will be there and would love to meet you!!!

You still have time to get in on the FREE lunch with Van and me, along with the Concept By Iowa Hearing Aid Center tomorrow at 11:30AM at Rock Bottom Restaurant....along with a chance to win tickets to the Neil Diamond concert at Wells Fargo Arena on May 21st.  Make your FREE reservation by calling 877-908-9308! Do not call the restaurant!

Have a super spring day!


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