Doesn't this look like the face of a guy who should be a contestant on "Big Brother"? This is Trey, a part-time employee at WHO Radio. Trey auditioned for the show "Big Brother" in the Des Moines auditions. Unfortunately he did not get a call back. However, Trey has also auditioned by video tape and is looking for your support. You can show your support for a great Iowa guy at #gettreyonBB19. Good luck Trey!!!
The weather was less than ideal for our Colon Cancer Run/Walk on Saturday morning...38 degrees, north wind and pouring down rain! Thank you to each and everyone of you who braved the weather and came out to participate. If you wish to help, but were unable to come out to the Run/Walk, you can still donate at The funds raised go to David's Fight that helps cancer patients by driving them to chemo, delivering meals and even clearing snow in winter....John Stoddard and Mercy Cancer Center giving free colonoscopies to those who can't afford them or don't have insurance. Remember, you don't get symptoms of colon cancer until advanced stages, and by then the survival rate is only 53%. So...get your screenings done...92% survival rate if caught early! Thank you to the Iowa Digestive Disease Center for organizing the Run!
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, we'll have Maestro Joseph Giunta with us and more!
Have a wonderful day!