Just after the 7:30 news, we spoke with Kirk Ferentz, Iowa Hawkeye Football Coach, about the 2017 football season as well as the special Hawkeye spring practice going on here in West Des Moines this Friday night. The event takes place at Valley Stadium...the west and southeast gates open at 5PM. The practice will begin at 6:15PM with a 35 minute youth clinic following the practice. Hawkeye items will be available to get players autographs. You may not bring your own items into the stadium for autographs. Entrance to the practice is FREE!
Tana Goertz joined us by phone this morning shortly after the 8:30 news. She will be joining Van on his "listener" walk on Friday morning at 10AM at Fleet Feet at E. 6th & Locust. They will walk with WHO Radio listeners for about an hour. There is no set route, so don't let them get you lost!!!!
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, Gary Dolphin will be joining us after the 7:00 news, and we'll see what you would be willing to trade to get Chris Stapleton concert tickets!
Enjoy your "hopefully" rain-free day because the rain will be back tomorrow!