John Erickson, his wife Karen and his daughter Luz, joined us in the studio this morning after the 8:30 news to talk about the program KidSave Iowa. KidSave Iowa is all about getting families that are wishing to adopt together with kids from Columbia who need forever families. Their Summer Miracles program brings kids from age 10-14 from Columbia for 5 weeks to spend time with families wanting to adopt. Events are planned every weekend to hang out with the kids and get to know them. A fundraiser to help make all this happen is coming up this Sunday from 1-3PM at Raccoon River Park in West Des Moines. There will be a hike around the park as well as a speaker and other events. To learn more about their program or this Sunday's fundraiser, go to and click on "Events".
Jim Bohannon from "America in the Morning" joined us by phone this morning just after the 7:30 news. He is coming to Iowa for the Iowa Broadcast News Association event on Saturday evening at Stoney Creek Inn in Johnston. Jim will be giving the "keynote address". If you would like more information on the event, go to
Monday on Van and Bonnie, a Brig. General will be joining us in the studio. Maybe it's their last ditch effort to reform us before they take us to jail on Tuesday morning! Also, we'll have two more chances for you to Make Your Wallet Great Again by winning $1,000 cash!
Have a wonderful weekend!