Landlubbers beware - Captain Jack Sparrow has been spotted at Disneyland.
Well, Johnny Depp dressed as Captain Jack.
The normally predictable animatronic characters seen on the entertaining ride at Disneyland had one of its real life companions from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise stop by. Johnny Depp surprised Disneyland patrons waving his sword around dressed as the rum-swilling pirate captain as they entered the place where dead men tell no tales.
Guests were delighted to see Depp, though at first, many seemed unclear whether it was a good lookalike playing for the crowd. However, as people got closer, you can hear them realize that it really is Depp under that eyeliner rambling on and greeting the crowd on one of the most popular rides at the theme park.
It's notable that the fifth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie saga, "Dead Men Tell No Tales" opens next month on May 26th - which the more cynical among us would note to explain Depp's surprise appearance at the theme park in Disneyland.
Now if only Disney could get James Earl Jones to suit up as Vader. Now that would make the Disney experience complete. And you know if anyone could do it, it's Disney.