Gene and I want to thank you for all your past support in his ongoing fight with Systemic Scleroderma and would like to invite you to once again participate in the Scleroderma Walk & Family Day coming up on June 11th! There is a new walk site this year...Grand View University in the Johnson Wellness Center. Parking is available on Morton Avenue just off E. 14th. Registration begins at 1PM with the walk beginning at 2PM. There will be complimentary snacks and drinks, face painting, crafts and bounce house for kids. The deadline to pre-register is May 15th to make sure you get a t-shirt in your size....however, you can register all the way up to the date of the walk. You can pre-register at and if you would like to donate to my husband's team, click on "Gene's Team" or if you are one of my travelers, you can sign up under "Bonnie's Travelers" (thank you to Cindy Olinger)...or you may see someone else you know on the list that you would like to donate under their name or team. Scleroderma is a very rare disease, so obviously the drug companies spend most of their research dollars elsewhere, so your local support is very important to us! Systemic Scleroderma not only hardens the skin, but causes serious damage to internal organs including the lungs, heart, kidneys, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract. There is no cure.
Thank you in advance for your help!