TV-13's Sonya Heitshusen and Erin Kiernan of TV-13 joined us in the studio this morning just after the 8:30 news. Sonya and Erin have started an event called One Brain Wellness that's all about living well with a holistic approach. It's all about health, finance, emotional needs, spiritual needs and more. Their next event is May 20th at Trailpoint in Ankeny. You can get more information at or on Facebook at One Brain Wellness.
Kelly Norris of the Des Moines Botanical Gardens joined us in the studio this morning just after the 6:30 news. They are starting their big Spring Festival tomorrow morning at 10AM. Take mom out and find just the right plants or tree for her. They are having a huge plant sale and the container design station will be available to arrange and pot your selections for you. There will be live gardening demonstrations as well. On Saturday there will be an Art and Merchandise Fair, ISU will have their Insect Zoo there for the kids and there will be more live gardening demonstrations. The fun continues on Sunday with their plant sale, Botanical games, face painting and vegetable print card making activities for the kids.
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, we'll have the Friday morning news quiz and two more chances for you to win $1,000! Also, we'll have information on the Ruth Harbor Walk.
Enjoy the day!