Mark McDougal of Ruth Harbor joined us in the studio this morning just after the 8:30 news. Ruth Harbor helps young women with unplanned pregnancies get back on their feet with a place to live, help with education and a job and much more. This is done all through the generosity of Iowans! The walk is tomorrow morning, 9AM registration, 9:30 walk and starts at the Simon Estes Amphitheater down by the River Walk....101 E. Locust Street. There will be refreshments and prizes. For more information, go to
Don't forget to put your food out for the Postal Carriers tomorrow morning as well (in the Hy-Vee bag you received earlier this week). The Postal Carriers are collecting food for the Food Bank.
Just a reminder, the registration deadline in order to get a t-shirt guaranteed in your size for the Scleroderma Foundation Walk, is May 15th. You can still register all the way up to and on the date of the Walk, but your size t-shirt is not guaranteed. The Walk this year is Sunday, June 11th at 1PM at Grandview University at the corner of E. 14th and Morton Avenue. To register, go to You can "join a team", walk on your own, or just donate to a person or a team. My husband, Gene, has a team..."Gene's Team"... and if you are a traveler with me, Cindy Olinger has set up a "Bonnie's Travelers" team! My husband and I will be there walking, we hope to meet you!
Monday on Van and Bonnie, we'll find out all about Tunes on the Terrace and we'll start the last week of "Make Your Wallet Great Again"!
Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!