Leila Rush, our producer, had a special surprise lined up for us just before and after the 8AM news this morning. At 7:55AM, the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile pulled up in our parking lot in front of the WHO Radio studios! Isaac & Lizzy, hotdoggers, joined us in the studio right after the 8AM news. They are coming to the end of their one year internship driving the Weinermobile and have enjoyed it immensely. They said they had so many people telling them they heard they were in Iowa from Van and Bonnie, that they called WHO Radio and asked to come on the air with us. Leila set the whole visit up as a surprise for Van and Bonnie! Great job at keeping it a secret Leila!!! They will be visiting two Price Chopper stores today including the one on Ingersoll.
Do you know someone with great dimples? Starting Monday, we'll be asking people with dimples to send in a photo of themselves, showing their dimples, to the Van and Bonnie Facebook page. Then we'll put the photos all up on our Facebook page and ask listeners on who has the best dimples. The winner will receive a free teeth whitening from our friends at Lifetime Dental Solutions! Start taking those photos!
Have a great weekend and we'll meet up on Monday!