A note from Van:
Two weeks ago I had a physical exam. The doctor was once again thrilled at my 100 pound weight loss and healthy lifestyle. On the way out they took a blood and urine sample. They called me later and said they found some things in both that they didn't like. So last week I had more testing including a cat-scan and prostate biopsy. Their concern was the possibility of cancer. The results came back negative for cancer, but there were some cell irregularities so I'm going to have to have another biopsy in 3 months.
What they DID find in the cat-scan was a large kidney stone they say is too large to pass on it's own. They couldn't believe I wasn't in agony, which I'm not...at least yet. So they are going to do surgery on me Thursday, May 25, to blast the thing to pieces. So, I will be off the radio for a few days.
All well and good until I heard the next statement, "Don't worry. You'll be completely out, under general anesthesia." Those of you that know me or have heard the story on the radio, know that the last time they did that to me after the lawn mowing accident, I flat lined on the operating table and they had to get the crash cart to bring me back. They couldn't get me out of the anesthesia. To quote one Doctor that was in the room and has since become a good friend, "I thought you were dead."
So, needles to say, we are talking about the options and how to handle this, but the surgery is on for Thursday. I wanted you to know for two reasons. First of all you are all good friends and secondly, I wanted to stop any rumors before they started. I would be honored to have your prayers.