Mark Artwein of the Greater Des Moines Soap Box Derby Association joined us this morning in the studio just after the 7:30 news. As you probably heard on WHO Radio, someone broke into their equipment shed and stole a couple of the cars, five sets of wheels, their power cords, extension cords, amplifiers, microphone, computer and more. The equipment was worth $10,000 to $15,000. The Association is trying to throw together a last-minute race this weekend by scraping up some supplies from other derby cities like Omaha so kids can get their points needed to compete in the Nationals. They have started a "go fund me" page on their Facebook page... Greater Des Moines Soap Box Derby". There is a link on their page to take you to the "gofundme" page. Thank you in advance for all your help!
Sherrie Colbert of the Gold Star Museum joined us in the studio this morning just after the 8:30 news. We will be broadcasting our show live from the Museum at Camp Dodge on Memorial Day, May 29th, from 5-9AM. Free breakfast will begin at 6AM. Entry to the Museum is free; however, you will need a picture ID to get on the grounds. Entry will be from NW 70th Avenue on the south side of Camp Dodge. After 6AM, you will also be able to enter thru the historic East Gate at 7700 NW Beaver Drive in Johnston. Operation Barnabas of Des Moines will be there as well, collecting donations for the Des Moines Veterans Hospital. They are in need of food items like coffee, chewing gum, microwave popcorn, granola bars, packaged cookies; rain ponchos; personal care items like soap, shampoo, combs, brushes; cleaning items like laundry detergent, dryer sheets, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, we'll tell you about a Des Moines Ruck coming up.
Have a wonderful day!