Van Harden

Van Harden

Call Van at (515) 284-1040. Text Van at (515) 989-1040Full Bio


Governor Branstad says his "goodbyes" to Iowa & How you can help veterans commiting suicide (Bonnie's blog 5/24/17)

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Governor Terry Branstad stopped by Van and Bonnie this morning to say his last goodbyes to the State of Iowa.  Today, his last day of being Governor of the State of Iowa, is his 8,169th day in office.  He will officially resign at 10AM this morning and then will be immediately sworn in as the United States Ambassador to China.  This will all take place in the Governor's office.  Then, at 10:30AM this morning, Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds will be officially sworn in as Governor of the State of Iowa.  You can hear the entire interview with Governor Branstad on the Van & Bonnie Facebook page.

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Zach Brichetto of Green's Appliance Heating & Cooling joined us in the studio this morning just after the 8:30 news.  Zach is a Marine veteran and he is organizing a Ruck.  What is a ruck?  In military terms, the definition can be as simple as walking around with a backpack on a hike or as difficult as moving fast with all your military gear.  The 2nd Annual DM Ruck for the 23 will kick off this Saturday at 11AM at 1602 E. Pioneer Road on the south side of Des Moines.  The 7.5  mile walk through Des Moines is in honor of our veterans.  Lunch and games will be available following the walk.  There is no charge to participate, but free will donations will be accepted and 100% of those donations are given to Operation 23 to Zero, an organization that provides a network for vets and their families struggling with vet related issues such as PTS and suicide.  Every day 22+ veterans and 1 active duty soldier take their own lives.  For more information on you can help, go the the Facebook page of DM Ruck for the 23.

Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, Mark Allen will be in the "Van" chair and Brad Waller of Hy-Vee will be joining us in the studio to talk about Military Night at the Iowa Barnstormers.

Have a super day!


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