A big "thank you" to Jeff Angelo for filling in this morning for Van who is doing well and recouping at home! A good time was had by all! Also, congratulations to Leila Rush, our producer, on a great "Improv" performance at the 4th Street Theater on Wednesday night!
Remember, today is the final day to enter the Van and Bonnie "Dimples" contest. Take a photo of your great smile with dimples and send it to the Van and Bonnie Facebook page. You'll see all the instructions at the top of the page. Then check the Van and Bonnie Facebook page next week to vote on your favorite "Dimples". The winner receives a free teeth whitening from Lifetime Dental Solutions in Oskaloosa!
Monday on Van and Bonnie, please join us between 5-9AM at Camp Dodge at the Gold Star Museum. It's a free event, simply bring your picture ID to get on the grounds. Free breakfast begins at 6AM, the ISCREAM Guy will be serving ice cream from 6-10AM. Operation Barnabas will be holding a food drive from 5-9AM. A vintage military plane flyover will take place between 9:05 and 9:20AM. Governor Reynolds and Lt. Governor Adam Greg will be joining us after the 7:30 news. See the helicopter hanging from the ceiling of the Museum...make sure to have the kids look thru the submarine periscope! We're looking forward to seeing you there!
Starting Tuesday morning, we'll have ZZ Top tickets to give away! Tune in to win!
Have a wonderful weekend!