Jeremiah Terhark and Ali Boettcher from Iowa Fireworks Company stopped by the studio this morning to talk fireworks! They have 22 Iowa locations and will begin selling fireworks on June 13th. To find a location near you, go to They brought several kinds of fireworks in the station including "cake" fireworks. You simply light the fuse on the box and you get a whole fireworks show in one box. You can put the name of the item you are looking at in their website and you can see a video of the fireworks you are purchasing.
Becky Beach of the Puppy Jake Foundation stopped by to see us along with Puppy Jake, just after the 8:30 news. The Puppy Jake Foundation trains service dogs for returning service people with PTSD. It takes about two years and $20,000 to train one dog. They will be raising funds thru Iowa Barnstormer tickets for next week's Barnstormer season finale. Go to to get specially priced $10.00 tickets to the game. They will also be holding a 50/50 Raffle at the game next weekend.
Mike Donahee was so appreciative to Kid Rock for visiting a sick child here in Iowa, that he built a custom motorcycle for him and would like to get it to him when he comes to the Iowa State Fair in August. If you have any contact information for Kid Rock, you can call Mike at 352-207-5017.
Monday on Van and Bonnie, we will tell you about a special golf tournament where there is gourmet food on every hole! Plus, we'll be out and about at the Hy-Vee on Valley West Drive from 10AM-Noon on behalf of the Iowa Lottery. We'll be giving you the chance to win Frogger Lottery Prize Packages and more. See you there!
My husband Gene and I will be walking for the Stepping Out To Cure Scleroderma Walk on Sunday afternoon at Grandview University. I hope you will be able to join us. Registration begins at 1PM wtih the Walk beginning at 2PM. There is a silent auction and raffle drawing as well. There is face painting, crafts and a bounce house for the kids. Complimentary snacks and drinks for the walkers. Go to to pre-register or to just donate if you can't come to the walk. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Have a wonderful weekend and stay cool!