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Motorcycle noise target of downtown residents' ire

Downtown Des Moines residents say motorcycles are destroying their neighborhood.

At Monday night's Des Moines City Council Meeting, several downtown residents said they're tired of the revving of motorcycle engines late at night during the springtime. In addition, several said the motorcycles "scooping the loop" made it unsafe in the area.

Lloyd Kauffman told the council, "We are a neighborhood, not a playground!" Others called it a safety issue, saying "not only are they loud but they're going very fast" through the downtown area.

Some residents who live at the Plaza condos say they even have left Des Moines during the weekends to avoid the noise.

The vice president of the Downtown Neighborhood Association, Austin Lewis says they want the city to toughen noise control laws. Others say that regular police patrols have helped curb problems, but they need more help.

The council asked the city manager to come up with a plan to assist residents in the downtown Des Moines area.

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