Friday was the first deadline for the Iowa legislature to vote bills out of committee onto the floor of the Senate or House.
What legislation survived? Heres a look at the bills on the calendar in the House and Senate.
In the Iowa Senate, here's a list of the bills that are on the calendar for debate this session: Senate Bills
Bills approved for debate include constitutional amendments putting gun rights in Iowa's constitution, an amendment that says abortion rights are not in the state constitution and other bills.
The Iowa House has many similar bills approved for debate. Here's a full list of what's on the Iowa House debate calendar: House Bills
The next deadline is March 18th-22nd, when the Senate can only consider bills that originated in the Senate, and the House those bills that originated in the House.
Bills that are approved by the Appropriations Committee, Ways and Means Committee and Appropriations Committee aren't subject to debate rules. Neither are bills sponsored by the Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the chamber, or conference committee reports.
Generally, the Iowa Legislature waits for debate of spending bills except for public school spending, which by law should be one of the first pieces of legislation the House and Senate send to the governor..