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MILLS COUNTY, Iowa- Iowa Agriculture Secretary Mike Naig, U.S. Senator Charles Grassley and USDA Under Secretary Bill Northey flew over parts of flooded southwest Iowa today (Friday) to survey damage. They meeting impacted farmers in a town hall.
The flood has damaged roads, railroads, and ruined a lot of stored grain.
After the flying over the flooded areas, Northey described what he saw to WHO Radio's Bob Quinn.
"A lot of devastation, farmstead by farmstead, a lot of grain bins sitting in water, that bright yellow grain and the metal bin, and everything on the ground is just gray, with the water," said Northey.
The USDA's Emergency Conservation Program is expected to be one resource for farmers. Damage to structures and equipment are not covered in the program. Northey says Congress may have to pass a an emergency disaster bill to provide assistance for areas not covered.