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Waukee Sets New Home Building Record

Photo: City of Waukee

(Waukee, IA) -- Waukee set another record last year for building permits. The Dallas County city issued more than 17-hundred permits in 2021, including 672 for single-family homes. That number is the most in Waukee's history. The previous record for single-family homes was 411. The city issued 153 permits for townhomes, six for multi-family developments and 19-for commercial developments. The rest of the permits include additions, alterations, and decks.

“When you look at Waukee’s 74 percent population growth over the last decade, you can see the development numbers grow rapidly right alongside it,” said Waukee Mayor Courtney Clarke. “The City invested nearly $45 million in adding and improving infrastructure in 2021, knowing that we need the streets, sewers, water lines and more to support this expansion.”

The valuation of the building permits issued by the City in 2021 totals $330.6 million, topping Waukee’s previous record-setting 2020 ($245.7 million).

“We expected 2021 to be a big year for single-family permits; as the housing market boomed nationally, we knew it would have implications here in Waukee,” said Mayor Clarke. “City officials and staff are thrilled that more people are choosing to call this community home, and we continue to work through budgeting and strategic planning to provide residents with more amenities and safe, connected neighborhoods.”

Waukee has consistently been among the fastest growing cities in the state of Iowa.

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