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City of Des Moines Drops Mask Requirement In City Buildings


(Des Moines, IA) -- Des Moines City Manager Scott Sanders says the city is dropping it's requirement that people wear masks in city buildings. Sanders says the change is due to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) relaxing mask guidelines for communities as well as a lower the risk category for Polk County.

“We are lifting the mask requirement because of the “low” risk level that CDC has designated to Polk County, however, we still ask residents and employees to stay at home if they are sick or experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19,” Sanders said.

The CDC's new COVID-19 Community Levels interactive tool highlights the latest coronavirus data.

According to the CDC Polk County’s COVID-19 Community Level – and that of 42 other Iowa counites – is at ‘low.’ The CDC lists 41 Iowa counties in the medium risk category with 15 designated in the ‘high’ category.

Des Moines masking requirement for City buildings went into effect in August 2021.

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