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Des Moines Bridges To Be Lit In Ukraine Blue, Yellow

Photo: City of Des Moines

(Des Moines, IA) -- The City of Des Moines plans to light up several Des Moines bridges in blue and yellow, the colors of the flag of Ukraine.

Des Moines’ mayor Frank Cownie, who also serves as the Vice President of the Mayors For Peace, said it’s not just a symbolic gesture but also an important step in representing the values of Des Moines.

"We share a goal with our friends and colleagues in Ukraine to live in a peaceful world free from the devastating and deadly consequences that we see unfold each day in Ukraine,” Cownie said. “Lighting our bridges in the national colors of Ukraine doesn’t change what’s happening there, but it does send a message that we stand for Ukraine, and above all, we stand for peace."

Three City of Des Moines bridges with newer lighting technology will be lit up in blue and yellow, the colors of Ukraine’s flag each night for at least the next two weeks:

  • Iowa Women of Achievement Bridge
  • Ruan Connector
  • Coleman Bridge

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