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(Undated) -- A positive case of a type of bird flu has been detected in Iowa, raising concerns for Iowa's poultry industry.
Iowa Agriculture Secretary Mike Naig says Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza has been detected in a non-commercial, backyard flock in western Iowa's Pottawattamie County. Iowa's last bird flu battle, in 2015, caused a billion dollar economic hit to Iowa's poultry industry. More than 5-million laying hens had to be destroyed. Iowa is the nation's leading egg producer.
Naig says Iowa joins about a dozen states that have reported cases so far this year. He says producers will need to be vigilant and monitor for signs of the virus. He says it's widely assume the virus is prevalent in migratory, wild bird populations and is concerning because the migrations are really just beginning.
Naig says the good news is that the case that was found is not near any commercial poultry operations. He reminds producers of the importance of bio-security measures to reduce the impact of the virus.