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Second Bird Flu Case Found In Iowa Commercial Poultry Flock

(Des Moines, IA) -- Bird flu (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) has been detected in another Iowa poultry farm. The Iowa Department of Agriculture has confirmed a case in a flock of commercial layer chickens in southwest Iowa's Taylor County. The first case in a commercial farm was announced in Buena Vista County in northwest Iowa earlier this week.

“While this additional case of HPAI is not unexpected, we have prepared for this and are working closely with USDA and livestock producers to control and eradicate this disease from our state,” said Secretary Naig. “This is a difficult time for poultry producers. We will continue to support them and emphasize the need for strict biosecurity on farms and around poultry to help prevent the spread of this disease.”

The Iowa Department of Agriculture is reminding flock owners to prevent contact between their birds and wild birds and report sick birds or unusual deaths to state/federal officials. Biosecurity resources and best practices are available at iowaagriculture.gov/biosecurity. If producers suspect signs of HPAI in their flocks, they should contact their veterinarian immediately. Possible cases should also be reported to the Iowa Department of Agriculture at (515) 281-5305.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the recent HPAI detections in birds do not present an immediate public health concern. No human cases of these avian influenza viruses have been detected in the United States. It remains safe to eat poultry products. As a reminder, the proper handling and cooking of poultry and eggs to an internal temperature of 165 ˚F kills bacteria and viruses.


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