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Iowa Farm Land Values Up 33% In Past 12-Months

Photo: Sue Danielson

(Undated) -- Iowa farm land has risen 14-percent in value in the past six months, and is up nearly 33-percent over the past 12-months. The Realtors Land Institute- Iowa Chapter credits higher grain prices. The organization says the increase in value is not surprising, given record auction prices reported in many counties in Iowa.

The Realtors Land Institute- Iowa Chapter surveyed specialists in farmland and asked opinions about the current status of the Iowa market. The estimates for average value farmland were for bare, unimproved land, with a sale price on a cash basis.

The survey also asked for pasture and timberland values.

The survey found pastureland rose by 12.3% and Timberland rose by 11.2%.

The Institute notes current interest rate levels and low supply of land being offered to the market add strength as well.

The survey finds among buyers, 65-percent are farmers, 19-percent are local investors, and 16-percent are non-local investors.

Photo: Realtors Land Institute Iowa Chapter

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