(Ames, IA) -- A change is coming for Iowa State University student football fans at Jack Trice Stadium. I-S-U Athletic Director Jamie Pollard emailed students today that the student section will be moved from the northeast side to the southeast side. Pollard cites safety concerns related to field-storming for the change.
The Iowa State Daily reports the new student section will be in sections T through O and 23 through 27. The paper quoted Pollard's email,
"The safety of all individuals (players, coaches, officials, fans) is our top priority. History has shown us that assisting the visiting team’s exit is often the most problematic."
"The current location of the student sections in Jack Trice Stadium creates a conflict point between the paths of the visiting team leaving the field with the path of the students rushing the field," Pollard said in his statement.
"We can no longer accept the risk associated with our current set-up," Pollard added.
The Iowa State Daily reports students will still enter the stadium at Gate 2 accessing the new pedestrian bridge. Pollard's email states the change will increase seats provided to students by five percent.