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Applications Sought For Nebraska Leg. District Seat 31, Held By Sen Pahls

(Lincoln, NE) -- Governor Pete Ricketts is seeking applicants to fill the vacancy in the Legislative District 31- after the death of Senator Rich Pahls last month. Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. May 27th. Applicants must have lived with the district, which in for at least a full year, are registered to vote and are at least 21-years old. The district includes Douglas County, most of Millard and southwest Omaha.

 A map of the district can be found by clicking here. The Governor reserves the right to seek out additional qualified candidates.


The appointee will serve until January 3, 2023. During the November 2022 regular general election, voters will elect a member of the Legislature for District 31 to serve the remainder of the unexpired term (from January 2023 to January 2025).


Interested individuals may complete an application for executive appointment online at governor.nebraska.gov/board-comm-req. Applicants may also include a cover letter, resume, and any additional background materials with their application.

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