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Audit Finds Improper Spending Of Grant Money At Iowa LGBTQ Non-Profit

Financial Auditing Concept.

Photo: Getty Images

(Des Moines, IA) -- A state audit has uncovered more than 12-thousand dollars of improper spending by a non-profit group that supports L-G-B-T-Q youth in Iowa schools. Investigators looked into the books of the Iowa Safe Schools organization, after an improper spending accusation, related to federal grant money. The audit found more than $7,000 in altered invoices and more than $4,400 in improper payroll reimbursement. The audit also found insufficient documentation for disbursements of the grant.

State Auditor Rob Sand's office investigated the Federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance Funds awarded by the Iowa Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General Crime Victims Assistance Division (AG’s Office) to GLBT Youth in Iowa Schools Task Force d/b/a Iowa Safe Schools for the period July 1, 2016 through December 31, 2020.

The audit found Iowa Safe Schools did not maintain sufficient supporting documentation for $13,700.41 of disbursements included on the VOCA reimbursement requests submitted for the VOCA funds awarded by the AG’s Office. The $13,700.41 of costs identified includes $5,486.91 of travel, $4,000.00 of rent, and $3,399.95 of equipment reimbursements.

These costs may be allowable costs for the program. However, because federal rules require costs to be necessary and reasonable for the program and supported by adequate documentation, the unsupported disbursements identified are considered questioned costs under federal requirements. The improper disbursements identified are also considered questioned costs under federal requirements.

Auditors recommend the Board of Iowa Safe Schools put procedures in place to ensure internal controls are strengthened, including properly segregating duties, performing independent reviews of grant agreements and reimbursement requests prior to approval, and ensuring all disbursements are properly supported, approved, and paid in a timely manner. Copies of this report have been filed with the Polk County Sheriff

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