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Iowa's Strawberry Season Underway

Photo: Sue Danielson

(Des Moines, IA) -- Iowa's strawberry season is well underway. The the season is usually quick, roughly four weeks.

“Locally grown, fresh strawberries are a delicious and versatile treat that can be eaten alone or enjoyed as an addition to many recipes. They’re a great crop to kick-off the growing season of purchasing and consuming fresh, Iowa grown fruits and vegetables,” Iowa Agriculture Secretary Mike Naig said.

The Iowa Department of Agriculture lists a number of strawberry growers on its Fruit and Vegetable Farms Directory at https://www.idalsdata.org/fmnp/index.cfm or on the Iowa Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association “farm search” page at http://www.ifvga.org/en/about_us/farm_search/

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