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Southwest Nebraska state parks temporarily banning campfires

(Undated) -- Some state recreation areas in southwest Nebraska are temporarily banning campfires as drought conditions have triggered extreme fire danger.

The following Nebraska Game and Parks Commission areas will have campfire bans until further notice:

  • Enders State Recreation Area
  • Gallagher Canyon SRA
  • Medicine Creek SRA
  • Red Willow State Recreation Area
  • Rock Creek Lake SRA
  • Swanson SRA

Game and Parks says additional parks may be added if drought conditions persist. They also say because of regularly changing conditions, guests also should call park areas prior to arrival to determine whether a fire ban is in effect. Parks will make determinations by working with local emergency managers and fire departments.

Those recreating in areas where campfires are allowed should use extreme caution and take precautions, including keeping fires small, contained in provided fire rings, attended at all times, and having a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher nearby in case of spread. Campfires should be properly extinguished with water until all coals have completely cooled.

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