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Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands Needs Mentors

(Omaha, NE) -- Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands needs MentorU mentors for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year.

MentorU is a technology-enhanced mentoring program that gives support to high school students in Iowa and Nebraska. "MentorU is more important than ever to have in the classroom. Through the use of the classroom and mentoring, we support and empower youth after they’ve had years of academic and societal upheaval. MentorU guarantees that there is someone in a student’s corner- whether it’s a mentor, teacher, or Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands staff. This program is unique because of its holistic focus on listening to what a student needs and what a student wants,” shared Kristin Mihalo, MentorU Program Coordinator.

Students learn lessons in the MentorU classroom and message their mentors weekly on various topics related to their passions and interests. Big Brothers Big Sisters is hoping to double the number of matches made last year. People interested in mentoring need to schedule their interview by the end of August.

To learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands and to get involved as a MentorU mentor, click here.

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