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Free Scrap Tire Collection to Be Held in Sarpy County

(Sarpy County, NE) -- A free scrap tire collection will take place in Sarpy County.

The tire collection, a partnership between the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District, Sarpy County, and the Sarpy County Fair Board, will be held at the Sarpy County Fairgrounds in Springfield, NE, on September 9th from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The collection is for Sarpy County residents only.

Those wanting to take part in the collection should know:

  • Sarpy County residents must bring a driver’s license or most recent utility bill for proof of residence
  • There is no limit on the number of tires residents can bring to the collection
  • Residents are asked to have a tire count at the time of check-in
  • Rims or tubes are not allowed
  • Unloading of tires will not be provided
  • Dealers or resellers are not allowed

Residents should enter the Sarpy County Fairgrounds at Main Street and Railroad and exit at South Gate and Pflug Road. For more information, contact the Papio NRD at 402-444-6222 or www.papionrd.org.

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