Photo: Iowa DNR
(Undated) -- Sixty-thousand hunters are expected to participate in this year's archery deer season, which begins Saturday, October 1st. Jace Elliott, Deer Research Specialist, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, says deer will likely be on the move now that harvest is getting underway. He says hunters may find them near oak trees, as acorns are plentiful this year, and acorns are a major food source for deer.
He reminds hunters and drivers too that deer will even more active as the breeding season, or rut, approaches in late October and November.
“The rut is when a lot of our hunters fill their tag on a buck,” Elliott said. “Rutting bucks can be found moving at all times of the day in search of a doe, which means putting a lot of time in the stand can pay off in a big way during this time of year.”
“Deer can be unpredictable when it comes to roadways, so don’t assume that a deer won’t jump out in front of your vehicle just because it sees you,” explains Elliott. “This is the time of year when a lot of deer crashes happen, and many of those could have been avoided by a few simple precautions. Always keep your eyes on the road and maintain an appropriate speed. If a deer jumps onto the roadway, don’t veer or try to avoid it, but brake firmly while staying in your lane.”
Elliott reminds drivers if they see one deer, they should assume there are others nearby.