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Horse Rescued From Western Iowa Ravine PHOTOS

Photo: Pottawattamie County Iowa Sheriff's Office

(Pottawattamie County, IA) -- Tow truck driver Todd Erwin will likely never forget a very unusual work call, Sunday, October 9th. Pottawattamie County Iowa Sheriff's Deputies knew they'd need more horse power to get a horse out of a 50-feet ravine, so they called Erwin, who works for Dave Lyon Tow and Repair in Underwood, Iowa.

Erwin arrived to the site near Neola, Iowa and saw the horse was on its back in a muddy creek bed, in a 50-feet ravine. The horse had apparently been stuck for hours before being discovered.

The group came up with a plan to rescue the horse. They used straps from Erwin's tow truck and placed them around the horse's body. The horse was then slowly lifted out of the muck, and up out of the 50-foot ravine to level ground.

After giving the horse something to eat and drink, he was able to stand again. The horse's owners say he's going to be okay.

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